Blue Lodge, the first steps to seeking light

Welcome to Columbia Brotherhood Lodge
Freemasonry has had a profound impact on world history and the history of our great nation. Freemasonry provides opportunities for sincere, honest, forthright men who believe in God and desire to contribute to the improvement of their communities and themselves. A system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols. It’s purpose is to take good men, and make them better men. In turn, it will create a better community and a better leader.
An ancient tradition in Masonry, exercising tolerance for differing religious and political views, allows men of many different belief structures to work together. Masons call each other brothers because they believe they are all equal and work to make “good men better”. Through our Masonic Fraternalism, we reaffirm our dedication and unity to become involved citizens who have a strong desire to make the world a better place to live.
We extend a heartfelt invitation to you to contact us and join us during our scheduled Masonic Classes held on three Mondays of each month. We look forward to meeting you.
Anil Awasti
Worshipful Master, 2025